Water & Sewer Department
Have a Water/Sewer Emergency? Contact the Village Superintendent at 315-629-6584 or 315-629-4873(DPW Office)
Quarter 3 Bills were due January 3rd, 2025. Penalties have been applied to overdue accounts.
Quarter 4 Billing will be mailed on March 1st, 2025, and due Monday, March 31st, 2025. Any unpaid accounts will be relevied on your 2025 Property Tax Bills and no longer payable after March 31st, 2025.
Stuff to Know:
Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2023 is now available.
- We are now accepting credit card payments for water/sewer invoices. Online payments have a transaction fee.
- Payments can also be made in person, by mail or left in the drop box located on the front door. If the property owner chooses to mail in payment, the envelope must be postmarked by the United States Postal Service dated before/on the due date. Any payment postmarked beyond the due date incurs a payment penalty
- To connect or disconnect water service contact the Village office at: 8706 Noble St, Evans Mills, NY 13637 (315) 629-4753 X 1 or email: [email protected]
- Our Water source is from two wells on the south side of the Village. The two wells combined pump a total of 220 gallons of water per minute into a 130,000 Gallon Storage tank where Sodium Hypochlorite is added. The Water is then pumped to the 260,000-gallon water storage tank on Peck Street inside the Village. The Village of Evans Mills water system serves approximately 700 Village Residents and Approximately 300 residents in the Town of LeRay, Water District #3.
- Village Schedule for Services:
Turning Water On: $50.00 each time
Turning Water Off: $50.00 each time
Damaged/Meter Replacement: $150.00 plus employee time
Water Frozen Frost Plate: $50.00
Cost of Tax Search: $10.00 each parcel
Village Employee Time: $75.00/hr
Copies of Village Paperwork: $0.25/page
Zoning Law Packet: $5.00
Returned Check Fee: $25.00
Current Inside/Outside Rates
Inside Users:
Water - $50.00 (First 8,000 Gallons) .00375 per gallon over 8,000 gallons Sewer - $164.00 Per Unit/Quarter Water Debt - 0.0025 Per Gallon of Usage |
Outside Users:
Water - $90.00 (First 8,000 Gallons) .00750 per gallon over 8,000 gallons Sewer - $164.00 Per Unit/Quarter Water Debt - 0.0025 Per Gallon of Usage |
1st Picture is present (2022) and the other 3 pictures are from BCA Architect & Engineers from 2009.